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Rules : Gol Turn


  • Goti - It is a troop or unit on the board.

    • Both player and opponent will start with equal number of Goties.
  • Tile - It is a station or resting place for the Goti.

    • It is either empty or occupied with a Goti.
    • Goti can only move to an empty Tile.
    • It is WHITE colored if it is empty.
    • It is highlight RED if player's selected Goti can move there.
    • It is hightlighted GREEN, giving a hint to the player to do multiple kills.
  • Path - It is a straight line drawn in RED from one Tile to another.

    • It shows where the Goti is going to move once player makes a move.


  • Select a Goti and then movable Tile will highlight in RED

  • Player can kill as many Goties as possible in 1 turn

  • HINT :Look for a Green Tile color when you make a move to kill multiple Goties

  • Opponent AI will only kill 1 Goti at a time till Level 9

  • AI Medium difficulty will unlock after the player completes Level 9

    • AI now will kill multiple Goties.
    • However, it is still limited to only 2 strikes. That means it can only kill 2 Goties at a time.


  • To win, player needs to kill all opponents Goties.


  • If there are 1 Goti left for each player.
  • It could happen in rare situations, when player is not attentive to the game.

Game UI

  • Your player info will always be on the TOP LEFT corner of the screen.
  • It is always YELLOW when playing with opponent AI.
  • However, while playing Multiplayer it can be either GREEN or YELLOW.
  • When your turn comes, player indicator will be highlighted with a WHITE circle.